WinFE Certification Course

Short story:

Do you want a formal course in WinFE with written documentation that you were trained in all things WinFE with the same content that law enforcement, military, intelligence agencies, and universities have received? If so, sign up here:

Longer story:

Free forensic tools are great, but when it comes to “learning” how to use them, it is nearly 100% self-learning to figure them out! YouTube videos are helpful, but how do you know if the information is correct or who is making the video?

Then, if you have to testify as to your knowledge and training in using a free tool, “self-learning” only goes so far. Since WinFE is the first touch of evidence in the acquisition of data, it is imperative that you know what you are doing with documented paper behind you!

The WinFE Certification course teaches and requires the building of two WinFE builds, plus passing two exams. Only then do you get a numbered certificate of completion that you can put on your resume and CV.

If you have been using WinFE for a long time (years maybe?), and have only learned through YouTube videos, consider earning documentation for what you may already know as proof that you know it through a formal process.

For the WinFE pros, consider taking the WinFE Instructor-Trainer course as even further proof of your knowledge and skill in that you know it enough to teach it (and then teach it!). The WinFE Instructor-Trainer course comes out the week of July 24th.


WinFE is not the end-all, be-all. It is not for everything. In fact, you should use hardware write-blockers if you can rather than choosing to boot to WinFE (we cover ‘why’ in the course). But when nothing else works, and you need access to the data, WinFE is usually the solution, whether it be an Intel machine or even an ARM machine.

Yep, WinFE does ARM 🙂

As far as how long it takes to build and how difficult?

How about just two batch files and less than 3 minutes to have your WinFE iso file done and ready to put on a CD or USB?

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